Category: JavaScript

  • Is using includes() faster than do-while when iterating trhough an array in Javascript?

    When iterating through an array in JavaScript, the fastest method will depend on the specific use case and the size of the array. In general, if you are looking for a specific element in an array and you want to know if the element exists in the array, the Array.prototype.includes() method will be faster than…

  • Using localStorage in Javascript

    JavaScript provides the localStorage and sessionStorage objects, which can be used to store key-value pairs of data in the browser. The difference between the two is that localStorage stores data permanently, while sessionStorage stores data for a single session (data is lost when the browser tab is closed). Here are a few examples of how…

  • Object methods in Javascript

    In JavaScript, the Object object has several methods available to it, including: Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and there are some additional methods that you can use depending on the JavaScript engine and environment you are running.

  • Difference between let and const in Javascript

    In JavaScript, let and const are used to declare variables. The main difference between them is that variables declared with let can be reassigned new values, while variables declared with const cannot be reassigned after they are initialized. Here are a few examples: Using let: Using const: In summary, you should use const to declare…

  • Using map method in Javascript

    The map() method in JavaScript is used to create a new array with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling array. Here are a few examples: Note that the map() method does not modify the original array, it returns a new array with the modified elements.

  • Methods for working with arrays in JavaScript

    You can also sort an array of object by providing a comparator function Please note that sort() method sorts the elements of an array in ascending order by default, so if you want to sort it in descending order you need to provide a comparator function.

  • Display a loading icon while fetching data from a server

    To display a loading icon while fetching data from a server, you can use a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Here is an example of how you might do this: In this example, we use the fetch function to send a request to the server, and then we show the loading element before the…

  • Fetch a JSON endpoint and parse the data in JavaScript

    Here is an example of how to fetch a JSON endpoint and parse the data in JavaScript: In this example, we use the fetch function to send a request to the specified endpoint, and then we use the .then method to handle the response. The response.json() method parses the response as JSON, and the resulting…